How to Clean Your Washing Machine


There are chemical products you can buy on the market to clean your washing machine, but Maid Brigade is always about offering green cleaning solutions that are safe for your family and your home.We may not think about the fact that our washing machine gets dirty but as you can see from the picture – it does.

So here is a suggestion from Somewhat Simple to help you clean the machine that cleans your clothes! One guess for the product you’ll use…white vinegar!  Yet again, another use for this inexpensive, everyday kitchen staple.

Fill the washing machine up and pour in 2 cups of white vinegar.

Let it set for 1 hour, then start the washing machine over again and let it run through a complete cycle.

When the machine drains if it still has grime on it, use a sponge and some straight white vinegar and scrub it down really well.

Now the next step requires the use of bleach so you’ll want to make sure that your room is well ventilated.

Fill washing machine up again and pour in 2 cups of bleach.  Let it soak for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, use Q-Tips to detail all the nooks and crannies.  Don’t forget to clean the knobs and the lid too.

Restart the washing machine and let it run through a complete cycle.


Once the cycle has finished you are done; your washing machine will be clean and shiny!

Don’t want to use bleach? DIY Natural offers a solution that uses vinegar and baking soda – here is there recommendation:

The following instructions will allow you to kill mold, mildew, and keep odors at bay in your washer…using only natural ingredients. This process is safe for septic tanks and safe for all washer components!

Two common household ingredients are needed for this project. White vinegar and baking soda to the rescue! The vinegar will disinfect, helping kill mold and mildew. The acidity of the vinegar will help dissolve soap residue in the wash tub and can also be helpful in dissolving lime deposits in pipes (if you have hard water). The baking soda cleans soap scum and deodorizes if you have SWS (stinky washer syndrome).
Looking for more Green Cleaning solutions? Visit our Green  House graphic – each room offers a different tip!
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